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Name: ian reid Date: 12/04/2009 Message: Dear friends. Please pray for our nine-year-old ministry -- www.tjlit.org (Testifying Jesus' Love in Truth). We make free resumes, teach free English weekly, and do free translations/interpretations in 17 languages to any church or organization that asks us to. We also give out 3000 tracts each week, and we get people who are abused, have mental illness and other problems into churches and places where they can receive help, and get kids into free dentists. We love the Lord, and love the ministry he has blessed us with. We are deeply committed to fighting racism and poverty. Please send us your prayers (Email: reachus@tjlit.org.), and pass our site to friends, missionaries and family, as there are many who are lonely. At the moment we are trying to set up a pen pal club so people from all over can write to others and develop friendships. Nobody should be lonely. If you read this and are lonely, please contact us and we will do our best to get you into a good church wherever you are in the world. Please also click on and read the Bible verse of the day, and say a prayer for us. Is there anyway we can help you? Please contact us. Praise God, contact us if you are lonely, and God bless you. To our American friends: Please read article 51 on our site "Things I love about America." Name: Lovenia Date: 11/28/2009 Message: Hey Rev! Can't wait to start NEW service time!! Name: Claudia B. Joseph Date: 11/09/2009 Message: I WOULD LOVE TO WORK ON THE CHURCH NEWSLETTER LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU NEED TO BE DONE. ONE OF MY DEGREES IS IN PRINY JOURNALISM. CALL ME @ 225-265-3106 or 225-955-1668. Name: Kasha Date: 09/24/2009 Message: Can't wait until the new fellowship hall is completed. Name: Te'Keya Krystal Robinson Date: 07/28/2009 Message: I don't have a message. I just wanted to sign the guestbook I guess! :-] Name: Gus Magee Date: 02/27/2009 Message: Pastor Johnny Magee. How true it is to know that God is still in the business of blessing his people. As i look back over my life, i know that i can truly say that i have been blessed. What a shame it would be to keep God's blessings to ourselves when we know that there are so many people who are hurting and struggling daily and need to know the goodness of our lord and saviour. Keep preaching and teaching the word of God. Love you Man... Name: Jerome Date: 02/26/2009 Message: Brother Pastor, Every blessing on you as you begin God's great work. You continue to be in my prayers. Name: Iwana Brown Date: 02/10/2009 Message: I visited your church on this past Sunday, Feb.8th, and I was extremely blessed. I hadn't been to a "real" church service in a while. I felt welcomed and the Spirit was surely in that place. I will be back!!! Thank you for making me feel so welcomed. Name: Bob Date: 11/08/2008 Message: Please pass this Prayer Request to as many Christians and Churches as possible***(Terrorist plotting against the U.S,Taliban,Bath Party officials,those caught in the battlefield fighting against U.S troops and enemies of the U.S).When these enemies are caught by the U.S,Pray GOD makes all these enemies tell the truth about everything they know,holding nothing back when talking to U.S interigators.Pray all these enemies of the U.S are forced to tell the truth about everything they know when asked by U.S interigators,just like Demons were forced to to the truth when they were asked questions by JESUS and the apostles in the old testament.....Many in the Liberal media pretend to be objective and unbiased,but they are not objective and they are biased.Pray GOD makes all bias liberals in the media tell the truth to their American audience always.Pray they will not have any control of themselves and won't be able to deceive the American people anymore.No more covering up,and no more hiding the truth...Liberals in the government deceive people and use the liberal media to cover for them.Pray liberals in our government will not be able to lie to,or deceive the American people anymore.Pray GOD makes all liberals in our government tell the truth to the American people,no more covering up,and no more hiding the truth.Pray they will have no control over themselves and will not be able to lie, or deceive the American people no more.Pray GOD makes them tell the truth the way He makes demons tell the truth In JESUS Name.***Please pass this Prayer Request to as many Chuches and Christians as possible.*** Name: David Erman Date: 08/09/2008 Message: The excerpt below demonstrates how the early Baptist (17th century England) regarded the observance of the holidays (Christmas in particular). It is most unfortunate that the Baptists have since compromised with the world and adopted this idolatrous festival in their spiritual life. Now at this, Mr. Kelly being some years deceased, his Widdow persevered in godliness; and it might be said of her as of Ruth iii, 11 (all the city did know her to be a virtuos woman). She was like a hee-goat before ye flock: for in those dayes, Mrs. Kelly was very famous for Piety and reformation, well knowne to all, bearing a liveing testimony against ye supersititions and traditions of those dayes, and she would not observe their invented times and feasts, called Holy days. Att which time she kept a Grocer's shop in High-street, between ye Guilders Inn and ye High Crosse, where she would keep open her shop on ye time they called Christmas day, and sit sewing in her shop, as a witnesse for God in ye midst of ye Citty, in ye face of ye Sun, and in ye sight of all men; even in those very days of Darknesse, when, as it were, all sortes of People had a reverence of that particular day above all others. And as ye Apostle saith, 1 Cor. viii. 7 There was not in every man that knowledge for some, with conscience of the Idoll unto this hour eat it as things offered unto an Idoll, and their Conscience being weak is defiled. But this gracious Woman (afterwards called Mrs. Hazzard), like a Deborah she arose, with strength of holy Resoulution in her soul from God, even a Mother in Israell. And soe she proved, because she was ye first woman in this Citty of Bristoll that practized that truth of ye Lord (which was then hated and Odious), namely Separtion. Now ye way that ye Lord tooke to bring her, with some others of ye Professors in this Citty, to Separate from ye World, was this. After they had (as before rehearsed), been awakened and mett first together to Repeat sermon-notes, then they kept many dayes of Prayer together, as a company of Good people. [Brackney, William H (editor). Baptist Life and Thought: 1600-1980. Judson Press, Valley Forge, PA, 1983, p. 65 (quoting Records of the Broadmead Church (Hayden Transcript) Book I.)] A website for reference: http://users.aol.com/libcfl/xmas.htm |